I'll be honest-- going into this trip, I was not expecting a huge transformation. In high school I went on 3 housebuilding trips to Mexico with Amour Ministries. In college, I went on one housebuilding trip to SC with Habitat. Going into this experience, I hoped to be challenged and serve others, but was not expecting to be completely shocked or personally affected. In a self-righteous way, I felt like I had seen it all before. While I knew I was going to help others and hopefully watch my students be transformed, I did not realize how much I personally was going to be affected. However, I was dead wrong. God presented me people and situations that opened my eyes to hardships in this world in need of voices. He challenged my calloused heart to really see those people who are suffering and remember them always.
Our team helped build houses in Caloocan City, located in the greater Metro Manilla area. Greater Metro Manilla Habitat for Humanity is an impressive organization and is presently building over 3000 homes for families in need. Our work site was the location of Caloocan City's Phase 2. In Phase 1, about 100 families recieved homes. As part of phase 2, we contributed to about 10 homes out of the 100 or so houses that will be completed on the same lot. For a whole week, our team of 20 dug trenches, twisted wire frames, carried cement, transfered piles of rocks and gravel, moved cement blocks, painted, cleared garbage, and helped lay bricks. The majority of the week I encouraged my kids and worked as hard as I could to set an example. I had some interesting conversations with my students and with some of the home partners who were working at the site. I watched walls grow and helped accomplish a lot physically on the site. Emotionally, though, I just went with the flow most of the week and was not very impacted. I was completely caught off guard by the emotional impact of the last few days.
On Wednesday, we went to play with kids at a center for children escaping human trafficking or bad street situations. I was completely unprepared to process what human trafficking in the Phillipines really meant. For those of you who don't know, there are hundreds (or thousands, depending on the account) of children being sold in the Phillipines every year to be modern-day slaves. These children are either forced to do sexual acts or forced to become child laborers. At my school, we have an organization called Amnesty that tries to raise awareness for such causes. Through our school's campaigns, I had been fairly aware of human trafficking problems. Every time I saw an awareness clip at an assembly, I felt sorry for the trafficked kids and wished I could do sometime more. But that is where my actions stopped. I did little to make a change and rapidly forgot about those in need. However, once I stared into the faces of children who likely faced horrors that I can barely imagine, the statistics took on new meaning. I can't consider the number of children subjected to these crimes without tears welling up in my eyes. I can't picture the eyes of some of the kids I saw without feeling the urge to shout out.
I spoke with one of the social workers for awhile. The worker told me her story-- she has done many different jobs related to human rights issues and has worked with people undergoing many different types of hardships (ranging from homelessness, to drug addictions, to extreme poverty). Yet she found that the people who struggled the most were child trafficking victims. Even after these children physically escape their abusers, the emotional baggage of their circumstances and expereinces "takes years or even lifetimes to get over," she said. As I watched my students play with the kids and mingled myself with some of the children and teenagers who were at the center, I was reminded how fortunate I have been. I also felt a great responsibility that comes with a life of privelege. I need to do something. At the very least, I need to spread awareness. Check out the sites below on human trafficking. They are specific to the Phillipines but this is a problem that extends far beyong the borders of the Phillipines.
Some info on human trafficking in the Phillipines:
Our last day in the Phillipines, we had a free day. We travelled to a city of hot springs to swim and relax. On the way back, I rode next to our Habitat case leader, Mia. We were able to discuss many things related to life in the Phillipines, the needs, and the realities of present Manilla. She pointed to the side of the highway we drove along. There was a railroad track. On either side of the railroad track squaters had constructed rickity dwellings three stories high. These plywood and rubble "houses" were only inches from the tracks. I watched children climb the sides to get in through windows (the only ways to get between some of the "rooms"). I saw dejected men gathered around a fire. I watched a woman string dingy clothes out a window. These squater areas continued for several miles. There must have been over a thousand people living in that little stretch. Mia told me that there is no where for them to go. The government doesn't dare try to move them because people are so desperate that they would kill people before they would give up their land. I watched the squater's dwellings pass as we drove closer to the city. Then a huge wall blocked my view of the dwellings. Mia turned back to me, "The city put up walls when tourists started coming so they wouldn't have to see the poverty." That comment really resounded in me. There were so many things I hadn't noticed during the days before. After dinner that night we took a van home and I spent the entire time searching the passing streets for signs of poverty and pain. I didn't have to look far. Under every bridge and overpass were makeshift homes. Children rapped on windows begging for money. The park was overridden with homeless people and men slept on seesaws. We passed neon light "motels" with no windows, undoubtedly filled with trafficked children and men paying to do dark things with them. I stared into the eyes of a 10ish year old begging boy on the street who I knew I couldn't help without perpetuating the cycle. When he realized I would not give him any money, his outstretched hands lowered and he laughed. At his young age he was already so used to rejection. He broke my heart. On that car ride home, I felt like I started to understand what God sees. It was the most painful hour of the trip, but the most important one for me too. Because I saw. I loved. And I prayed. And I wanted to make a difference.
I do not know yet what it is that I need to change in my daily life to carry over my lessons. I don't know how to best help people or how my talents and resources can be best used. But this trip touched me in a way that I was not expecting. I hurt deeply for the suffering that we turn away from every day. I feel the need to start looking intentionally-- like I did that last night--- and am guessing that I will start to see people all around me in need of love or advocates.
I can't believe I go back to school tomorrow. I want more processing time!
If you want to see a few of my pics, follow the links below to two albums I set up on facebook:
Our work site:
A few of the kids from our work site:
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